- the average number of days on the market is 8.
- the most expensive dwelling on the market is 2400 Elba Ct.
- the least expensive detached on the market is 7326 Rebecca Dr.
- 7326 Rebecca Dr is currently listed for $499,990.
- Is the price right?
- How does your listing look compared with the residences priced similarly?
- Since the day you listed, what places have accepted offers, how many days did it take, and what price were they asking?
Recently Sold At Hollin Hills
$635,000 at Hollin Hills SOLD!
See more in Recently Sold At Hollin Hills
Here are a few reasons places similar to 7326 Rebecca Dr in Alexandria will sometimes have no buyers:- Decor — Neutral decor doesn't excite anyone, but flashy decor can distract home buyers.
- Neighbors — Are your neighbors making it difficult to sell?
- Parking — A difficult driveway or a detached without good parking can be slow to sell.
- Floor plan — Strange or awkward floorplans may also make a home linger, such as older residences where you have to walk through a bedroom to get to a second bedroom,.