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World Series Raffle Will Also Benefit Alexandrians

The Washington Nationals Dream Foundation chose Northern Virginia Family Service among six other organizations that will receive $25,000 in matching funds on Giving Tuesday, which is December 3. The Washington Nationals hold a 50/50 raffle at every home game, with half of the proceeds going to the winning raffle ticket buyer and a half to the Dream Foundation. Continue reading
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Would You Pay $0 For A Historic At In In ?

Will Nesbitt
Will Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt is a legitimate specialist in real estate and would love to help you learn more about . If your purchase budget is approximately $0 and you're thinking about s in you may want to get in touch with Will Nesbitt to get more information about . Most purchasers are prepared to make personality traitss on just about everything . . . except budget. Continue reading

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