Valuable Pieces of Info About Properties Listed In The City of Alexandria
Should you make an offer purchase 42 Wolfe St #A? It's only possible to answer that question, if you know the answer to these questions. Are you looking for a large townhouse in The City of Alexandria? Can you afford $1,195,000? Is it actually worth $1,225,000 or $1,175,000? Do you need 2 full baths and 1 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $7,385 on this purchase? When you buy a home, the home is yours. That means, you can decorate any way you want and choose the types of upgrades and new amenities that appeal to you and to your lifestyle in the City of Alexandria.This luxurious townhouse is only a few steps to the Potomac River! Harborside, a sought after waterfront community, is perfectly located a few blocks south of King Street. Sparkling and filled with sunlight, this 2 Br 2.5 Ba home offers ... [Read more]
$1,195,000 :: 2 BR :: 2 BA :: 1 HB :: Alexandria VirginiaAbout The Same Size As 42 Wolfe St #A In the City of Alexandria?
All the places in this table are roughly the same living area as 42 Wolfe St #A. Why compare properties of a similar size to 42 Wolfe St #A in the City of Alexandria? Actually, by comparing similarly-sized properties, a property hunter can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in the City of Alexandria and the NOVA region. We're here when you need us.How Much Home Can You Get In Alexandria For Around $1,195,000?
Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 42 Wolfe St #A? The table below shows the sizes of other large homes now selling in Alexandria. All of these homes cost about as much as 42 Wolfe St #A. Read More about 42 Wolfe St #AAlexandria Home Buying Tips
Stuart's advice of the day for buyers looking at 42 Wolfe St #A in Alexandria
Nesbitt Realty specifically counsels our Realtors to never steer buyers. We always insist that property hunters choose the townhouse without interference from the Realtor. We use our experience to put choices in front of the home shopper. On the other hand, a reliable purchaser's needs and wants. Accordingly, he normally knows which home a buyer is going to choose, and where to find it. This partly intuition, but largely from experience. Nevertheless, in the end we only provide words of advice and data. The home shopper---not the agent---always calls the shots. Townhouses in Harborside were built in 1993. 42 Wolfe St #A Alexandria VA 22314 has 2 bedrooms and 1,692 sqft. This property is available for $1,195,000. Stuart Nesbitt can answer every question about real estate in Alexandria and explain every form and every part of the process clearly and thoroughly.Also Listed
Stuart Nesbitt can advise you, if you would like to find out more about 42 Wolfe St #A or any of the homes below. Furthermore, if needed, Stuart can provide details and more information.See more in Recent Listings