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719 S Saint Asaph St #308, Alexandria Real Estate Update

Information About in the NOVA region 22314 // $250,000

Seeking 466 Sqft In 22314?

719 S Saint Asaph St #308, Alexandria VA was recently listed for sale and is selling for $239,000. Accordingly, you may want to take into account this residence (depending upon your pre-approved price limit). Above all, compare 719 S Saint Asaph St #308 to others in the area that have about 466 sqft of living area.
719 S Saint Asaph St #308, Alexandria 22314


$239,000 // 1 bed // 1 bath // 0 half-bath // 466 sqft // Alexandria 22314 VA

About The Same Size As 719 S Saint Asaph St #308?

All the residences in this table are about the same living area as 719 S Saint Asaph St #308. Why compare properties of a similar size to 719 S Saint Asaph St #308 in the NOVA region? In fact, by comparing similarly sized properties, a property seeker can comprehend the asking price and the real estate market in the NOVA region.
Alexandria27 Active
McLean10 Active
Falls Church8 Active
Winchester7 Active
Arlington6 Active
Strasburg5 Active
Reston5 Active
Front Royal5 Active
Woodstock4 Active
Luray4 Active
Annandale4 Active
Herndon3 Active
Manassas2 Active
Woodbridge2 Active
Bentonville2 Active
Mount Jackson2 Active
New Market2 Active
Vienna2 Active
Triangle2 Active
Springfield1 Active
Elkton1 Active
White Post1 Active
Timberville1 Active
Broadway1 Active
Stephens City1 Active
Star Tannery1 Active
Linden1 Active
Rockingham1 Active
Centreville1 Active
Oakton1 Active
Chantilly1 Active
Manassas Park1 Active
Edinburg1 Active
Photo of 719 S Saint Asaph St #308
Nesbitt Realty
Nesbitt Realty

How Much Home Can You Get In The City of Alexandria For Around $239,000?

Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 719 S Saint Asaph St #308? The table below shows the sizes of other tiny residences now selling in the City of Alexandria. All of these homes cost about as much as 719 S Saint Asaph St #308.
Tiny (1 to 600 sqft)2 Active
Smaller (601 to 700 sqft)6 Active
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft)6 Active
Modest (1101 to 1,500 sqft)3 Active
Read more about 719 S Saint Asaph St #308 // Bearings North // Alexandria // 22314 //
Nesbitt Realty
Nesbitt Realty

Alexandria Home Buying Pointers

Monika's pro tips of the day for buyers looking at 719 S Saint Asaph St #308 in Alexandria

Monika Ortiz takes the time to show clients around various places, so that purchasers better get their choices available within the home buyer's budget. This real estate in the City of Alexandria is for sale for $239,000. The median age of properties in Bearings North is 80 years old. The median age of properties in the City of Alexandria is 45 years old. There is no point in falling in love with a 1 bedroom colonial at Bearings North if you can't afford one. Hence, know how much real estate you can afford before you start to shop. Talk to your licensed real estate adviser. Most likely you'll have to make some compromises and prioritize your needs and wants. The one area where property hunters usually have the least room to compromise is in their budget.
Nesbitt Realty
Nesbitt Realty

Comparable In Price To 719 S Saint Asaph St #308

Monika Ortiz can help you, if you would like to stop by 719 S Saint Asaph St #308 or any of the properties below. On the other hand, if needed, Monika can provide details and more information.

7640 Tremayne Pl #107

[$245,000, McLean, VA 22102]

6915 Victoria Dr #G

[$290,000, Alexandria, VA 22310]

1608 Chimney House Rd #1608

[$250,000, Reston, VA 20190]

Contact Monika Ortiz

Do you have a specific need in 22314 in the City of Alexandria? Monika Ortiz can help.
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