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5903 Mount Eagle Dr #311, Alexandria Real Estate Update

Noteworthy Home $329,500 /// Alexandria VA 22303

5903 Mount Eagle Dr #311 in Alexandria, Virginia may be a right community for some buyers. Still, you'll want to get some basic tidbits about the area to know if this is the residence for you.

Real Estate Things About Fairfax County

  • The median age of homes in Fairfax County is 36 years. 5903 Mount Eagle Dr #311 is 38 years old.
  • Fairfax County has an average price per square foot of $339 . On the other hand, 5903 Mount Eagle Dr #311 is $315 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in Fairfax County is 143 days.
  • The average living area in Fairfax County is 2,457 sqft. But even so, 5903 Mount Eagle Dr #311 has 1,045 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in Fairfax County?
8121 Norwood Dr #A is the least expensive home in Fairfax County. 8121 Norwood Dr #A is listed for $980. Still, 7983 E Boulevard Dr is the highest-priced home in Fairfax County. 7983 E Boulevard Dr is asking $45,000,000. In fact, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Nevertheless, this info will change.  What is true and accurate today, 12/16/2022, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Nesbitt Realty for the latest real estate info from Fairfax County about homes such as 5903 Mount Eagle Dr #311. Continue reading "5903 Mount Eagle Dr #311, Alexandria Real Estate Update"
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5902 Mount Eagle Dr #712, Alexandria VA 22303 Listed For Sale

Surprising 2-BR 1 BA Condo :: Alexandria VA 22303

Are you out of your mind for spending $369,500 for a 2-bedroom condo like 5902 Mount Eagle Dr #712 in 22303 in Fairfax County? On the other hand, you might not have enough money for a down payment on a conventional loan. Still, Monika Ortiz has resources that can provide alternative financing with little or no money down. Of course, there are many pitfalls to avoid and overcome. Still, a real estate professional like Monika Ortiz has the answers and can help reduce your work from the buying process. Continue reading "5902 Mount Eagle Dr #712, Alexandria VA 22303 Listed For Sale"
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5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611, Alexandria VA 22303 Advertised For Sale

$350,000 - Alexandria VA 22303 - Comparables and Suggestions

Are You Pursuing No Less Than 1,200 Sqft Of Condo In 22303?

Will Nesbitt tells us that 5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611, Alexandria VA is a surprising small opportunity at $348,000. Nevertheless, compare 5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611 to others in the area that have close to 1,228 sqft of living area. Continue reading "5902 Mount Eagle Dr #611, Alexandria VA 22303 Advertised For Sale"
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801 N Fairfax St #218, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

Learn More About Homes For Sale In The Alexandria Area

Buying a property not unlike 801 N Fairfax St #218 is often the biggest purchase most Americans will ever make. In addition, as a proactive real estate agent, Julie Nesbitt will be a strong adviser who recognizes the informational and emotional support that buyer clients need when considering a purchase of 2-bedroom condos in 22314 in Alexandria and acquiring a residence like 801 N Fairfax St #218. In addition, there are always risks in The City of Alexandria real estate.  However, a remarkable Realtor like Julie is able to advise you to manage or avoid many of the risks  associated with buying a condo in 22314. Continue reading "801 N Fairfax St #218, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement"
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801 N Fairfax St #215, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed

1 Bedroom Condo in 22314 For $599,900

Nesbitt Realty thinks 801 N Fairfax St #215 is a very interesting residence in 22314 in the City of Alexandria. It's probably a good value. However, Nesbitt Realty can't recommend that you buy this place of residence right now. That's because, Nesbitt Realty's goal isn't to sell you this place. Nesbitt Realty's goal is to help you to Shop your perfect condo. There are an almost unlimited number of variables in play.

It's hard to know what's best for another person, In contrast it's easy for you to say what's best for yourself.

How important is it that you stay in 22314? Have you considered neighboring areas? Do you want upgraded features? For instance, do you like stainless steel appliances, granite counters, dual pane windows? Maybe you want a "green" home? Or, do you prefer a handyman special? How much can you afford? Does your pre-approved price limit have any room to move up or down? Continue reading "801 N Fairfax St #215, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed"

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