It's important to have a concerned, but objective, third party like Stuart Nesbitt help you stay focused on the issues most important to you. Stuart Nesbitt will look at every angle from your perspective, including crafting a purchase agreement that allows enough time for you to complete inspections and investigations of the property before you are bound to complete the purchase. Stuart Nesbitt can also help you with these similarly priced detached homes around Annandale, Virginia. Whenever you need us, just call. Our real estate representatives adore assisting clients in fulfilling their real estate objectives!Location! Location! Location!!! An upgrader with lots of potential . Welcome to your new home! Four-bedroom Colonial with 2.5 baths in a great family-friendly neighborhood! Close to the Beltway, Audrey Moore Recreation Center, NOVA Community ... [Read more]
From $579,000 to $679,000
$635,000 - 1650 Silver Hill Dr #1709 [Learn more about our rebates]
$635,000 - 1650 Silver Hill Dr #1709 [Learn more about our rebates]
$629,500 - 1650 Silver Hill Dr #1209 [Learn more about our rebates]
$634,700 - 1650 Silver Hill Dr #1108 [Learn more about our rebates]