$4,700,000 /// Alexandria Virginia 22314
When you're starting your search for a new place, one of the first things to establish is your buying budget. This real property in 22314 is on the market for $4,700,000. If you're looking to spend between $4,675,000 and $4,725,000 in the 22314 area then 119 Wolfe St could be the location.

$4,700,000 /// 6 BR /// 4 BA /// 2 HB /// 3,798 SQFT ///
119 Wolfe St Alexandria 22314 VA
Old Town SE Quadrant ///
A timeless home filled with modern conveniences, coupled w the charm of yesteryear, Hunter Mews is one of Old Towns few single-family homes with ATTACHED garage nestled on one of its oldest streets. A true rarity that is seen through two ... [Read more]
About The Same Size As 119 Wolfe St?
All the detached homes in this table are about the same living area as 119 Wolfe St. Why compare properties of a similar size to 119 Wolfe St in Northern VA? Moreover, by comparing similarly sized places, a buyer client can understand the asking price and the real estate market in Northern VA.
119 Wolfe St, Alexandria VA 22314 || $4,700,000
Alexandria Home Buying Tips
Nesbitt's pointers of the day for buyers looking at 119 Wolfe St in Alexandria
Nesbitt Realty gets detached homes in Alexandria. Listings in the City of Alexandria were built in 1980. 119 Wolfe St is currently listed at $4,700,000. This home has 3,798 sqft of above grade living area. Nesbitt Realty will rebate close to $29,046 to our client when they use Nesbitt Realty as their buyer agent. If you’re in a home seller’s market, making a lowball offer can end negotiations with the real estate seller. Besides, home shoppers are wise to offer full price when residences are priced right. An agent like Nesbitt Realty can help you get the real property market in the City of Alexandria today. Hence, Nesbitt's expert insight into pricing in 22314 can be the difference between paying too much and not getting the home at all.
Related By Price To 119 Wolfe St
Nesbitt Realty can advise you, if you would like to tour 119 Wolfe St or any of the homes below. Furthermore, if needed, Nesbitt can provide details and more information.
Nesbitt Realty saves buyer's money.
Nesbitt Realty rebates a portion of our commission to our clients. We can save money our buyer clients $29,046 on the featured home in Old Town SE Quadrant. To take a closer look at this very large home, email
Nesbitt Realty. We is an expert on real estate for sale in 22314 in the City of Alexandria.